Saturday, April 3, 2010

A Person of Interest

Homelessness and bowling in sin city.
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Now I'm going to give it away. Some of the story takes place in the huge drainage tunnels beneath Las Vegas. Homeless have taken to living in some of these tunnels. I reported on it in another blog, and someone found the blog! Yes, I know. It's hard to believe. Sometimes people actually read others blogs. Here is the comment left by one:

TimGiangiobbe has left a new comment on your post "Tunnels of Las Vegas":

I have heard of these tunnels from vagabonds that pass through SF.We have the tunnels in old citys that have access blocked but if one is resourceful they have aj adventure.I can remember such an adventure in the 70s and 80s in Seattle and Sacramento.I can remember finding The Buffalo beer frontage and bottles in Sacramento in 73.I am a baby boomer and am homeless in SF sometimes lately.John Joebee Homeless in SF is my blog.

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